Thursday, March 27, 2014

Information Design Journal - first notes

While I was looking for the first conference programme, I came across these coffee-stained notes I made in 1978, about the journal that was launched in 1979 as Information Design Journal.

Information Design Conference 1984 - the programme

I've been looking through old archives looking for visual evidence of the first Information Design Conference (Cranfield, 1984). The 2014 Information Design Conference in London is the thirtieth anniversary of that first event  - here's the programme, printed on an Epson dot-matrix printer.

Dublin signs

Now wash your hands

There's a very effective eeeuw factor in this notice in a Royal College of Art toilet. I don't know who did it, but give them a prize.

Tired and tested

Two nice typos came my way today.

"Using tired and tested methods..." So true!

"I taught we were planning to..." This one has to be said in an Irish accent, and it's revealed as a homophone.